Drag and drop files into this window, and using the text entry below, write a template to unpack the data into.
For example, drop a gif with the following template:
Start unpack string with < for little endian
a string with arbitrary binary data, will be null padded.
A text (ASCII) string, will be space padded.
b bit string (ascending bit order inside each byte).
c int8 (char / byte)
C uint8
s int16 (short)
S uint16
i int32 (int)
I uint32
l int64 (long)
L uint64
n uint16 in "network" (big-endian) order.
N uint32 in "network" (big-endian) order.
f float32 (single-precision float)
d float64 (double-precision float)
x null byte (a.k.a ASCII NUL, "\000", chr(0))